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THE MISSION This important work is divided into three basic areas.REACHING We need to focus on every avenue of reaching the un-reached people of our country. Join with us in taking the Gospel to every corner of UgandaMinistry Support. Pastor Robert Kaahwa worked at Samaritan’s Purse for over four years but resigned his job since December 2012 in order to focus on reaching his nation and surrounding countries. He is now fully committed to the work of the church, crusades and conferences and church planting. Since the local church does not have the resources to help financially, your support is vital to the growth of the ministry and reaching the lost. A monthly commitment of any kind we can keep our pastor on taking the Gospel full time. Our current ministry needs are: Car $8000 Laptop $1000 Good Video Camera $800 Monthly support $500Radio Station & Radio Ministry. REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MASINDI has been doing radio programs on 3 radio station since 2010. These radio broadcasts reach over 2. Million people. Pastor Robert is now currently sponsoring all these radio programs. Currently it costs $ 20 a week to run a program on each station. Your support can help us reach out to 2 million people each week for $ 80 per radio station. Even if only one responds, it is a good investment.Radio is one of the most powerful tools of evangelism in our area is the media. Masindi does NOT have any Christian radio station. Sometimes even during our own paid for time, the owners will advertise alcohol, cigarettes, condoms etc…, which is not good in our on air presentations. Our long term plan is to own our own Christian radio station where we can preach the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ 24/7. We have developed a proposal that is detailed and can be received upon request so that you can spread the word to people you know who can make this happen.Pastors Send Off PACK. We are planting churches in every village of our district, we now are training over 40 young dynamic leaders with a passion to go, reach the lost and start Churches. In order to see that these pastors are well equipped to do their work. We need to send them off with good resources, which will have among other items, a study Bible, a bicycle, 5 tarpaulins, a megaphone, and a small sleeper tent. To get these items to the pastor we will need $ 250 per PACK.Bibles. With much poverty in our communities, many people cannot afford a bible. You find in a congregation of 50 people only 5-10 of them own a bible. Once you go to the rural villages sometimes even the pastor does not own a bible. We can help send a bible to these friends either in kind or by buying one for them locally. It is our desire to put the Word of God in every home we touch. Each bible costs $10.BUILDING Working together to build strong structure to support the growth of the churches, here are practical needs that you can help make happen.CHAIRS. We have more people in our services than the seats, so now in our services over 50 people have to stand, while over another 70 have to seat on mats and papyruses. We need to buy at least 100 chairs. Each good and durable plastic chair costs $ 10.BICYCLES. With the increased influence of REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MASINDI, more and more people coming from long distances to attend services at our church. While we hope to plant churches in every community, for now we cannot handle the financial implications of planting those churches. We however can help especially the elderly members of our church; some have to walk for up to 25 kilometers to come to church. We need to get 10 bicycles; these will be used to carry around the soul winners during the weekdays, and then they will be used by young volunteers on Sunday to provide free transportation to some of our elderly members that have to walk long distances to come to church. Each bicycle costs $ 90SEWING MACHINES. With the increase in gender based violence, REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MASINDI seeks to empower women by providing them with an income generating skill of learning to become tailors. We will need to have at least 10 sewing machines to do that. Each sewing machine costs $ 150SUSTAINING In order for this Gospel of the Kingdom to produce fruit that remains, we must build it so that it can be sustained for the next generation. Here are some ways you can help.CHILD SPONSORSHIP With the HIV AIDS prevalence continuing to take a toll on our people, many families have lost their breadwinners, leaving many children vulnerable. For just $ 10 a month, you help our foster families take care of the meals of a needy child. And for another $ 10 you can also provide education to that child, for another extra $5 this child can access medical care.MOSQUITO NETS. Malaria kills 320 People in Uganda Daily!!! And Yet this can be prevented if people slept under an insecticide treated mosquito Net. C3 Masindi is on a move to provide 1000 Mosquito nets to 300 households, each mosquito Net costs $5.CHILDREN'S VILLAGE. We have a dream to host 100 vulnerable children who are at risk. These children will be living in cottages of 10 children per cottage. Each cottage will have a mother, who will take care of them. Each of these cottages can be sponsored by an individual, a church, ministry or a group of friends. To build a cottage costs $ 15,000. To furnish a cottage with beds and basic furniture costs $ 2500.AGRICULTURE. As a church we believe in meeting the needs of our people both physically and spiritually. So in order to help with feeding the needy people in our community, we have decided to engage in agriculture to grow food that will support the hungry in our community. However we do not own any of our own land, so rent the land and pay a premium to use it, and sometimes it is too far for our volunteers to go help in the garden. We would like to own our own agricultural land and do this effectively. For $ 500 we are able to purchase an acre of land, we need for starting at least 20 acres of land to grow crops that feed up to 2000 needy families in our community.TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE THESE DREAMS COME TRUE!!!! YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO SO MUCH, BUT TOGETHER EACH DOING A LITLLE, WE WILL DO IT!! HOW WILL YOU HELP???? HOW WILL YOUR FRIENDS HELP? HOW CAN YOU HELP SPREAD THE WORD??